How to Lose Weight in a Week

Quickest way to lose weight and lose belly fat doesn't have to be so difficult. Discover the best solutions made available and shed extra pounds away today!

How to Lose Weight in a Week

October 14, 2009 by Michelle  
Filed under How To Lose Weight

How To Drop 59 Pounds

How to lose weight in a week

How to lose weight in a week and is it even possible? Although you can lose a tremendous amount of weight in as little as one week (in theory), it is not very healthy to do so at all. The body can only lose so much, and pushing it to its limits will cause considerable damage to your heart and body as a whole. When Matt Damon tried to lose weight at a lightning speed to fit a role in a movie, he suffered from system failure that his doctor advised him not to do it ever again.

But, for the quickest way to lose weight, there are a lot of wonderful things you can do to your body the first week into your weight loss plan. For one, you can prep up your body so it can get used to the idea that you will be losing weight over the long haul. The first week is always the hardest as it takes a great amount of discipline to break old habits and get used to the new ways of doing things. So how to lose weight in a week in way that’s favorable and healthy? Take a look at these suggestions:

  1. Trick your mind into feeling full by gobbling lots of water. The problem with most overweight people is that they tend to overeat solid foods without taking enough water to wash down those foods. If you want to reverse your eating mindset, you must eat less and drink more. As a liquid, water gets flushed easily as opposed to the tremendous amount of fats and calories that get stuck and transformed into meaty materials in the body. So drink all those fats away, and don’t forget to drink just pure water as opposed to flavored ones or beer.
  2. Fiber up. Another thing that most overweight people share is that their bodies host several pounds of fecal matter and wastes that aren’t released. This is due to poor metabolism plus an oversized colon. To get rid of them, you must eat a lot of foods containing fiber. These include fruits and vegetables and some meats. Fiber removes the clogged wastes in the colon and releases them so you’ll have cleaner and a more active digestive system.
  3. Eat moderately. That’s hardly new information but there’s no other way around it. Moderate eating is key on how to lose weight in a week. Losing stubborn fats is a difficult business if you lack self-control. You need willpower and determination to stay away from those doughnuts and cookies and chocolate bars stacked in the refrigerator. To avoid being tempted, minimize shopping for those goodies and instead, stuff your fridge with healthier foods such as fruit slices and veggies. Concentrate on other meaningful activities such as crocheting or writing or dancing to divert your attention from those pesky foods.
  4. Work out regularly. Like the suggestion above, this is a no-brainer. The body needs regular workouts in order to get rid of the fats that get accumulated from our diet. A sedentary life is the worst thing you can do to your system. It shuts down your metabolism, causing you not only to gain more pounds but also acquire all sorts of diseases.


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